Our Hero

I would like to dedicate this site today, as I do every day, to Star Jones – International Spokesperson for Gastric Bypass Surgery.

For being proud and fearless and showing others that they can be, too.

and then getting it is nothing to be ashamed of.
And for using her platform on National television (ooops…scratch that, huh?) to educate
people about the ifs whys and hows of this surgery.
For being a real stand-up, gal…and being as brutally honest as you constantly claim to be,
we salute you, Star Jones.

"On Thursday’s “Larry King Live, Reynolds said she did, in fact, have "medical intervention" for her weight and that Rosie O'Donnell had “just misinterpreted” how she had lost the weight."
M i s i n t e r p r e t e d when you straight out kept denying it? You sure that’s the word you wanna use, Star?
Lying pig hate her.
She never gets it that people hate her. Yes I am sure pilates made her lose 200 pounds. She thinks everyone is stupid. I hope she never gets another job on TV. No one wants to see her face again.
Oh the pictures are perfect. This isthe Star I intend to remember now because I know how much she would hate to know that. Let's all remember her only looking this way forever. Fucking liar.
Did you see how mouse squeak tiny her usually booming obnoxious voice got when she admitted this to Larry King? Total actress. Can't stand her cowardice. Like anyone even gives a shit about her in the first place. She could have done some good for people who needed this surgery but of course she would only do that if it benefited her. Hope she NEVER finds work, gains it all back, and the gay husband leaves her saggy ass.
This seems out of line to me. Don't you think there should be some privacy for some of these people. If she was embarrassed about doing it, and everyone on here can admit that it is embarrassing to need to do it, then aren't we being hypocrites to insist she tells the world she is doing it? She's a smart woman. I like her and I understand them needing privacy.
vhabr that is ridiculous. If they want the big bucks that come with being famous they know the price they will pay. she's an ass
They say the husband is taking off now, too. So you will get your wish 10:55.
They should have let her go head to head with Rosie. You know Rosie would not have let the topic die. She would have stuck Star to the wall on this.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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